
The most effective weapon in the “War on Poverty” is a job.  The government should be willing to help.  But it doesn’t “owe” anybody.

As businesses return to Wisconsin one need look no further than the successes of the Walker administration in Madison to see the effect of getting government out of business’s way allowing them to create long term, sustainable jobs.

As the unemployment rate continues at record highs, one need look no further than the failure of Federal Government programs to provide “shovel ready” and “new green economy” jobs to see that claims to the betterment of the people of the 4th Congressional District made by the incumbent Democrat are a fantasy.

The ultimate goal of any government assistance program should be to eliminate the need for it’s own existence.  It is therefore my goal to help create a business friendly environment in Wisconsin’s 4th Congressional District that will attract businesses that will create long term, sustainable jobs for the residents of Wisconsin’s 4th Congressional District.  It is my goal to help create a business environment in Wisconsin’s 4th Congressional District in which everyone who wants a job, has a job!